Sunday, July 5, 2009

News from the Waffle Front

Two amazing things have happened in recent days regarding the quest for the perfect waffle and the documentation thereof. 

First, we found out that actual people read our blog. 

Second, we found out that our readership is actually cool. The percentage of awesome readers may be very small, or it may be huge, depending on whether we have a very small or a very large number of readers, but that's neither here nor there. The point is, we have readers who are cool, and we have proof.

It began when Unsuspecting Waffle Guy went to work on a recent weekday morning. His workload that day was high, and things weren't going according to plan, and he was grumbly (in fact, Grumbly Unsuspecting Waffle Guy might be a more apt name for him on that particular day). 

I felt bad for the fella, and was crafting a plan to cheer him up, when all of a sudden my phone rang.

"Did you get the picture?" Woah. Grumbly Unsuspecting Waffle Guy sounded actually chipper. But no, I hadn't received the picture. He would need to explain what had perked him up.

Turns out, he'd brought some delicious Neuhaus chocolates from Belgeezia to share with his office, and the box in which he'd delivered them had been returned with a note. It was printed on a hand-made pink and yellow notecard, and it read:

Dear Waffle Guy & Waffle Girl,

We are intrigued with your never-ending quest for the perfect waffle. Your ongoing diligence to Waffle Nirvana is indeed impressive.

Please re-fill this box with your scrumptious creations so that we may enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

The Waffle Groupies

P.S. You may need a much larger box.

Omg. I might be in love with Waffle Guy's coworkers. They made a card, and they un-grumped my Guy. They are amazing...

Of course, at some point I will fulfill their request. But first I must find a box, and figure out how to make a waffle worthy of filling it. 

Notably, this little surprise has left me curious about my readership, or perhaps my lack of readership. I want to know who you are (or aren't). I want to try your waffle recipes. I want to post them, and discuss them, and give credit where it's due. I want trolls to leave nasty little comments about my endless ramblings, and I want to be a Blogger Featured Blog, and I want people to write to Waffle Guy for advice (about waffles, or for that matter, about fashion or dating or whatever other things people write to advice columnists about. He's a wise man, after all). Most importantly, I want to be the place where those in support of tasty treats can unite in the mission of Waffles for All! 

So, make your voice heard, eh? Shoot us an email at wafflequest2009 (at) gmail (dot) com, and let us know what you think.

And I will love you for it, I promise.